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Attracting Bees

There are many types of flowering resources you could use to attract bees in your backyard! Rather than planting ornamental flowers, plant a wide variety of native flowers and shrubs. 

Native flowers

There are many plant species native to the PNW. Here are some native flowers you could plant to support native pollinators!

It isn't only about planting the right flowers. Many native bees also dwell in the ground and need a healthy habitat to live in!

Gardening tips

Here are some gardening tips that support native bee conservation!

A freshly mowed yard may look nice, but leave designated areas undisturbed for bees to dwell in the ground!

Avoid using pesticides and use conservation-based methods to get rid of pests.

Have diverse flowering resources! Try to also plant flowers that bloom at different times so that there is always something in bloom throughout the season.

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